iura App
Designed to reduce healthcare implicit biases in western societies, iura gives women the opportunity to connect with gynecologists based on their shared core values.
3rd year project // Fall 2021 - Spring 2023
Team project // Akanksha Singh & Jasmine Danila
Tools // Adobe XD & Figma
RSCA Fellowship Grant Recipient
Understanding the problem.
We initially began our research by documenting different ways women experience bias and mistreatment in healthcare. From there, we were able to understand that an overarching issue was a lack of comprehension on shared values between patient and doctor.
We decided to create a solution for this problem through iura.
Creating the scene.
Through our storyboarding process, we were able to learn that there were a lot of services that could be beneficial to women during visits with their OBGYN that we could possibly provide through iura.
However, due to the short time span given for this project, we picked one possible service and proceeded with our research.
Concept Mapping.
There were many features we wanted to provide to our users through iura, but we understood that the likelihood of all of the features being incorporated into the app would be unlikely considering our time frame for the project. Instead, we focused on building up the matching up doctor/patient process, reviews, messaging, and news feed features.
Visual Language.
We chose purple as the primary color for the app because it’s a generally calming color, and is also the color used to represent Women’s Day.
We also picked a soft and rounded icon family to emphasis the safe and welcoming experience we wanted to create for our users. Our chosen type face was picked because it fit best between being friendly but still being able to hold a more serious tone.
Introducing, iura.
Created to help find the best OBGYN match for you
On boarding.
When a user creates their iura account, they are prompted to take a on boarding questionnaire. The questions asked are in regards to their general personal information and what their core value are.
This information is then used by iura to find the best OBGYN match for the user’s needs.
Home page.
On the home page, the user is able to see an overview of their selected core values, their top news article of the day, and their OBGYN appointment history.
They are also able to access other app features through the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen, as well as menu settings through their profile picture.